Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Kiss my boo boo

Physical therapy is tough.  I guess if it wasn't, my foot would be strong enough to resist injury.  I did the set of exercises on Monday morning before work and limped the rest of the day.  I decided to do my exercises in the evening on Tuesday, but then never did them.  So I sucked it up and did them again this morning.  My heel does hurt again, but not as much as on Monday, and not enough to make me limp.  So in just two sessions I may already be seeing some progress, which is a hopeful sign.

And in the two weeks that I have already been out of action the weather seems to have turned.  It's cooler in the mornings now that it was a few weeks ago.  I am already having to start trolling the web for long-sleeved running shirts, and soon enough I'll probably have to find some midget running pants. if that's even possible.

Just because I'm not exercising at the moment doesn't mean that I am not thinking about exercise.  A lot.  But I am also enjoying the opportunity to snuggle with Little Runner longer in the mornings than usual, and reading some good books.  There is always an up side, especially in any situation that does not involve prison or extortion.

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