Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Week Down

C25K week one is toast!

I've decided to stretch C25Kout just a little this time instead of interminably.  The plan is designed for 3 running workouts a week.  I'd rather do it every other day, which will have me going 3 times some weeks and 4 times others.  That's one change.  The other is that I will be doing at least 4 workouts for each "week" rather than 3.  Overall this will add 8 workouts to the plan (assuming I don't have to slow down further) taking it to a 10 week plan.  This is just a minor precaution on my part to keep me from going to fast and hurting my feet (again).  So far my feet feel perfectly fine, but I can definitely tell that the foot exercises and calf stretches are necessary for them to stay that way. 

My grandiose plan

I am hoping/planning to run a 5K on May 21st in SLC.  That's the day before my 39th birthday, which falls on a Sunday this year.  A friend from work (Hi Adriana) said she run it with me, which is awesome!  If I can manage a 5K in May I hope to do a 10 K in November in Hawaii.  That would be super awesome!  As we all probably know by now my plans tend to get dashed on a regular basis, but this one feels pretty solid.

1 comment:

  1. I will also run with you in Hawaii if you merely cover the cost of my flight and hotel stay. :)
