An epiphany
So I am at week two of working out 6-7 days a week and twice on weekdays, meeting my eating and calorie burning targets and losing a total of .2 lbs. On one level this makes me totally feel grrrrrr. On another level, I don't care because I have finally figured something out. I would do what I am doing anyway, even if I never loose another pound.
I feel fantastic. I have zero foot pain for the first time in about 11 years (or more). I fit into the very outer edge of "normal" sized clothes, but that means that I can shop pretty much where ever I want, and even find plenty of things on sale/clearance that fit me and look good on me. Due to the fantastic feel of my feet I'd stick with the minimalist / barefoot shoes even if I never ran a step again. It doesn't hurt that many of the shoes fit right in with my sense of style. I actually enjoy yoga and weight-lifting, so adding them to my routine has increased my sense of well-being quite a bit. I have noticed that I just plain feel better when I walk on the treadmill every day that I can. Even counting calories has other benefits for me. I've pretty much sworn to only eat out no more than once a week for dinner and once a week for lunch. Fitting those meals into my calorie budget encourages me not to eat out more often than that, which has great benefits for my bank balance, which also makes me happy.
I've heard the idea that the trick to long-term weight loss was to "find activities you enjoy". Okay, that seems pretty duh, but for me there seems to be a big distinction between finding something I enjoy, and finding something I enjoy enough that I would do it even if I didn't loose weight as a result.
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