Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Walking pace tied to health assessment

Faster than 2.25 mph

According to this MSNBC article walking faster is a sign of good health.  "Those who walked 1 meter per second (about 2.25 mph) or faster consistently lived longer than others of their age and sex who walked more slowly, the study showed."

I find this factoid very interesting because before I went on Cymbalta Round Hiker complained that I walked too slow.  I often felt like I was and 80 year old woman trying to walk through water.  I literally could not walk quickly.  I would try and not be able to move my legs and feet faster than an amble.  Now I walk at 2.7-2.8 mph on the treadmill in the mornings, and I find that my regular walking pace is probably between 2.3 and 2.5 mph.  Still far slower than Round Hiker's 3-3.5 mph normal walking pace, but better than my 1.5ish mph crawl before.  Hopefully this increased walking pace is a good indicator of my overall health.  That would be sweet!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand this. I am a slow walker myself. But since I injured my ankle, and have to walk for my PT test instead of run, I had to speed up. I had to speed up to the speed walker pace 4.5 - 5 MPH. Its almost more uncomfortable than running.
