My husband calls me a terrier because I am persistent to the point of obsession. This can be a good quality (to him) when my goal is one that suits him, and an annoying quality when it doesn't. I'm also impatient like a toddler on crack. Having read Born to Run and ruminated over my disastrous bouts of shin splints in the past, I decided to try the barefoot running style. I say style rather than outright barefoot running because I wanted to run at my local gym and they require "athletic shoes" to be worn everywhere inside except the pool. Gah. So I decided to try the Vibram fivefingers shoes. Of course, everyone and their dog wanted these shoes at the time I decided I MUST HAVE THEM NOW. Which, in oversold retail time equaled waiting 6 WEEKS! For someone as impatient I was, that was an eternity. Without any particular guidance to follow, I decided to do my aerobics tapes barefooted in preparation for the glorious day when I finally got my shoes. The cognitive issues involved in the preceding sentence are dizzying.
Well after I have started my barefoot running style training I find that the best prep training is to do as much as you can barefoot. Your feet are used to being limited in motion and flexibility by shoes, and it pays to spend a lot of time exploring your daily activities without shoes for several weeks before trying to run barefoot. So I was right on task with my barefoot 10 Minute Solution solution. As an aside, I was surprised to find that I really like some of the 10 Minute Solution DVDs. I avoided them for years because I just couldn't get into something that promised results in 10 minutes a day. Well, duh, there are 5 10 minutes sessions on each video, so you can do however much you have time for. Reading for comprehension is something librarians like I should be able to do, but I guess I have to chalk that up to my general impatience.
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